Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spring cleaning/ reminders

Spring Cleaning/ Reminders

Now is the time for Spring-cleaning!  Please return any of the following:
o   Library books
o   Classroom stories
o   Bookroom books- has a sticker with a number or letter on the back
o   Book bags (we will continue using them, but we have lost some)

Also, remember that you and your child have access to the Benchmark Universe books online. These books are leveled from C to S.  A C level corresponds to levels 1-5.  An S corresponds to levels 27 and above.  Although the levels don’t correspond identically to the Rigby assessment we use, a typical second grade level of 22 on our assessment corresponds to L and M.  It is a good idea to read and listen to all the levels of books as this increases vocabulary development. 

Website:  benchmarkuniverse.com
Login: leonesrojos1
Password: leonesrojos1

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