Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Happy Children's Day! / ¡Feliz Día del Niño!

Israel's mother brought us treats for Children's Day! We are so proud of all of our wonderful students. Thank you so much!

¡La mamá de Israel nos trajo fruta fresca para celebrar el Día del Niño! Estamos muy orgullosos de nuestros estudiantes maravillosos. ¡Muchísimas gracias!

Reminders. Avisos.

Our Lions have taken home a booklet of poems. They will be reading , reciting and telling you about them. When inspired encourage them to compose their own.
Nuestros leones han llevado a casa un cuadernillo de poemas. Los van a estar leyendo y recitando. Cuando estén inspirados anímenlos a que compongan uno.


Esta semana nos tenemos que sentir orgullosos de las clases de poesía que estamos haciendo. Estamos aprendiendo a ver los objetos y nuestro entorno con "ojos de poeta" Las maestras se han dado cuenta hoy de cómo hemos mejorado pues nuestra clase está siendo conjunta y después trabajamos en parejas sin rechistar.

¡¡¡¡¡¡Estas clases si que son "chulis"!!!!!!

This week we are very proud of our poetry lessons. We are learning to see objects and our environment with 'a poet's eye'. Our teachers can appreciate what a long way we have come as a group. We have our lessons together and after we smoothly break to work in pairs .

These classes are lots of fun!!!!!!

Monday, April 29, 2013

DLI community meeting follow up

Dear DLI Community,

Thank you so much to those of you who gave your time and energy for the 1st DUAL LANGUAGE IMMERSION SUMMIT on 3/16/13 at Edgewood College hosted by Nuestro Mundo, Inc. & the Latino Education Council.
Welcome back or please join us!  We have scheduled our next meeting time to move forward with the ideas you generated. 
A Citywide Dual Language Immersion Meeting
Friday May 3rd. from 6:00 pm-7:30 pm at the BLWBridge Lakepoint Waunona Neighborhood Center.
Bridge Lake Point is located at 1917 Lake Point Dr. Madison, WI 53713

Committees we identified include Social Activities, Advocacy, Communication, and more. Please RSVP to Rhea Vedro and let us know if you will need childcare. Feel free to invite other parents and DLI stakeholders who may have missed the 3/16/13 meeting.
Thank you.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Aladdin field trip

Please look for a permission slip for Aladdin play on May 8th. It will be a bilingual play :)
Por favor, estén atentos para firmar y devolver el permiso para ir a ver Aladino. Es una obra blingüe.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Poemas en clase

Practicamos nuestra poesía en clase. Todos los poetas necesitan practicar; ¿pueden ayudarnos como audiencia?

Friday, April 19, 2013

Nos vamos de compras. Let's go shopping.

Estamos preparando tres tiendas diferentes: un supermercado, una librería y una juguetería. Hoy hicimos los carteles y empezamos a seleccionar los artículos a vender y calcular sus precios.
We are setting up three different stores: a super market, a bookstore and a toy store. Today we prepared the posters and started to select the items to be sold and calculate their prices.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Save the date

Save the date for our Author's Party on May 10th at 1:45 pm.  We will be reading our published poems and have a celebration for all of our poets.

Día de lluvia...los leones trabajan en su escritura